Physical Education easy organized!

SportZens offers you numerous functions to organize your sports lessons digitally via app!

SportZens app provides clear criteria for your sports scores. This promotes your own structured grading without grading errors and at the same time reduces the students' displeasure. Let the technology work for you and your sports lessons.
Zeit Stoppuhr


Set up Parkour, stop times, done.
Kriterien Netzdiagramm


Set up categories, rate them, done.


Create/download, embed, use tables.

Sports grades made easy!

Sport grades should not be a burden to anyone. Both teachers and students benefit from the useful SportZens features to improve physical education for everyone involved. Digital organization is half the battle. The app is available for iOS and Android, so you should have no trouble getting around.
Encrypted data
All data is of course only stored encrypted and the app can be locked at any time.
The data remains locally on your tablet and the SportZens app completely dispenses with Internet access rights.
PIN Eingabe

Manage classes
All classes in one app.
You can choose the appropriate grading scheme for each class.
Matching grading scheme
No matter which classes you have, the app supports you with numerous grading schemes.
Notenschemata auswählen

Manage lessons
Record all lessons and keep track of your units and the timing of your physical education classes.
All lessons of the current school year are automatically created for you after the holidays in your state, so that you can immediately start with the detailed planning!

Class overview
All students at a glance in the class overview.
From here you can quickly get to all individual grades or student entries.
Student overview
All the information about a student clearly presented in one place.
This way you can quickly access all the information of a single student and you can also navigate directly to the individual notes and their origin within the app.
Schüler sortieren
Sort students
In physical education, there are all kinds of student sortings, all of which have their justification. The SportZens app always has the right sort order for all needs at hand.
CSV-Export Schüler
All recorded data can be exported as CSV file.
Attention: The CSV file is then not encrypted!

Manage Attendances
Maintain attendance lists conveniently at the same time and always keep an exact overview.
Through the administration in the app nothing is lost by mistake and teams can be assigned in the current sports lesson only with the students present.

Organize teams
Organizing students into teams is now very easy. If necessary, the current attendance list is also taken into account, so that only students who are present are assigned to teams.
Homogeneous or heterogeneous groups can be divided on the basis of already evaluated performances.

Own tables
Create tables and have notes calculated automatically.
Templates here for download.

Notenkategorie hinzufügen
Create grading categories
Create individual grading categories with their desired weighting.
Evaluate student performance
Assign sports grades in fine granularity without putting too much pressure on yourself: Select students and adjust sliders. Besides, the respective class average always remains in view (grey in the background).
Bewertung nach Kriterien
Schüler Selbstbewertung nach Kriterien
Student self-evaluation
The student has the same evaluation categories at his disposal, but of course he only sees what he is allowed to see.
Verbal assessments
You can automatically display verbal assessments matching the grade. All you have to do is import a CSV table (preset here) with matching phrases under Tables and select this table when creating the grade category.
Cooper test without paper
Simply enter the rounds in the Cooper test and the scores are calculated automatically.
You can of course decide whether to run or swim. All you have to do is download the appropriate table here or create one yourself and import it into the app under "Tables".

Relative performances
Sometimes relative assessments are useful in physical education. Just add a table and the app does the rest.
Bewertung von Relativleistungen

Noten auf Zeit
Grades on time
Set up Parkour, stop times in the app, done. The scores are then automatically distributed from the best to the worst time. Note average and note distribution are always in view.

Create tournaments
Enter the basic data (number of teams, group phase, points distribution, ...) for the planned tournament and the app does the rest.
Turnier Erstellung
Turnier Spielplan
Prefabricated game plans in which the results can be entered directly.
Tournament Tables
Overview of the current tournament table at any time.
Turnier Tabelle

Stunden Feedback
Get easy and uncomplicated feedback for every lesson!

Unterrichts Statistik
See what you achieve in your daily work!

Practice-Theory-Connection fast and efficient!

Timer Uhr
Use a tabata timer naturally and intuitively at the same time.

Record scores from one or even two games clearly and concisely.
The results are directly transferred to the tournament mode when the tournament is run.
Scoreboard 4-Felder

Mittelstrecke Smartphone-Ansicht
Middle distance
Run the timer and at the end of each student's finish, stop the time individually: child's play!

You can always use it!
Select number range - the results will be logged as a reminder

More questions?

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Let's go!

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Sportunterricht digital organisiert!




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